Issue : MAC client was stuck on error "Accops HySecure needs to register to Mac OSX to run its services. Please allow the coming prompts for setting up Accops HySecure services."
Version: MAC HySecure client, MAC OS version - Monterey 12.6
Troubleshooting done:
1. New client was installed after clean uninstallation of the older client. Issue was not resolved.
2. Reboot was done as well, but the issue remained.
3. ipv6 should be disabled on user machine.
3. uac_launcher was not found in the Activity Monitor and also not found when tried to check status from command line.
4. We went to the following path from Finder : Finder > Accops HySecure > Open Package Contents > Helper > double click to run the uac_launcher service from here. The config file could not be opened.
5. In the uac.logs, the required service ports were all busy, as seen below:
Solution provided:
We manually added the host entry for loopback which is supposed to be available in-built in MAC:
Post this, the client could successfully login and access applications as well.