
The new version of Accops HyWorks desktop app for macOS is released to fix a security vulnerability detailed in the advisory named as ASA-2022-0201, explained in more detail in the related documentation. 

Product Updated version : HyWorks macOS App

Type of hotfix: Updated Application Installer

Related documentation: https://support.accops.com/a/solutions/articles/12000086138

Applies to

CriteriaApplies to
Applicable ProductAccops HyWorks desktop app for macOS
OS Type and VersionsAll versions of Apple macOS
Product Versions
All versions of Accops HyWorks desktop app for macOS
Full Client (needing Admin rights)Yes

How to Install:

The installer is a complete installer for HyWorks macOS app. Please download the installer and run the installer to install the app on user PC. There is no need to uninstall existing macOS app for HyWorks.

Download the installer and Run the installer on user PC with administrative rights.

The installer can not be pushed via HyWorks controller. 

Restart post install 

Not required
