If controller unable to upgrade hyworks client to hy3000 hyworks client then used below steps to install client manually in Hy3000 devices

1.open winscp of thin client IP

login with root and password zer0client

2.copy new client in /root/update folder from local system to thin client

4.Take putty of client and follow below steps

5.Go to update folder

-bash-4.3# cd /update/

6.delete other 7z file and extract your client zip file

-bash-4.3# 7z x Hy4000_HyWorksClient_Installer_329127.7z

7.Go to edinstaller folder

-bash-4.3# cd edcinstaller/

8.Run edcclient.sh file

-bash-4.3# ./install_edcclient.sh

9.Thinclient will reboot and now again take putty again of client IP (login again)

10.Go to below path to enable vnc

-bash-4.3# cd /usr/bin/edc/firmware/sysfiles/init.d/

11.Run below cmd to enable remote for vnc

-bash-4.3# ./vncmgmt.sh start 0 1

12.Now take vnc by using IP:5905 port 


13.Now go to setting and set controller IP and login again